Meaning of (ढेर लगाना) dher lagana in english

As noun : mound
pile bank Ex:  This is the only bank in the territory. stack up bank up
As verb : lump heap Ex:  This book is a heap of quotes, a heap of errors, a sense of words devoid of clusters, a confused mass of truths and Lies
Other : to heap Ex:  , Pull someone lashing, The attack bluntly, the to heap reproaches, insults or epigrams to lump to amass to bulk up to stock Ex:  The rate of these shares has improved to stock market yesterday amass to congest to lumber to accumulate Ex:  These buildings tend to accumulate a large amount of snow on them pile up accumulate Ex:  These buildings tend to accumulate a large amount of snow on them congest bulkiness cumulate Ex:  These buildings tend to accumulate a large amount of snow on them to fill Ex:  Libya moved to fill the power vacuum and became involved in Chad's civil war. conglomerate Ex:  Cuba's state-owned tourism conglomerate lumber Ex:  Dimensional lumber made from softwood is typically used for construction fill Ex:  Libya moved to fill the power vacuum and became involved in Chad's civil war. stack stock Ex:  With some notable exceptions, the stock of a long gun can be used as a club.
Suggested : a more or less orderly pile or heap a long pile or heap mass an assemblage of things laid or lying one upon the other a natural elevation of earth a hillock or knoll a piece or mass of solid matter without regular shape or of no particular shape
Exampleढेर लगाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of ढेर लगाना:
1. भारतीय कप्तान विराट कोहली जब भी मैदान पर उतरते है तो रिकॉर्डों का ढेर लगाना शुरू हो जाता हैlivehindustan.com2. भारतीय कप्तान विराट कोहली जब भी मैदान पर उतरते है तो रिकॉर्डों का ढेर लगाना शुरू हो जाता है
(ढेर लगाना) dher lagana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : Dhera lagaanaa

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